The human body is predominantly composed of liquids and therefore biological water (H2O). The bonding between hydrogen and oxygen atoms is determined by the electric charge of opposite polarities of the two elements, which creates electric currents and electromagnetic fields. This is known scientifically by the term "covalent bonding".
From all this we can deduce how the organism can be represented not only by an infinity of biochemical reactions but also by relevant biophysical activities.
Based on this scientific truth, it is possible to state that the human body generates significant electromagnetic activity that in medicine is used in diagnostics with electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, and nuclear magnetic resonance. It follows that living beings are open systems and can interact with physical and chemical environmental signals that can sometimes alter and interfere with the body's balance.
In fact, our cells are able to transmit and receive electromagnetic frequencies that are used for communication between the brain and organs. In particular, the brain generates extremely low frequencies (ELFs) that travel throughout the body stimulating organ activities.
These frequencies are recognized scientifically by the terms EPSILON, DELTA, THETA, ALPHA and BETA.
These principles finally find therapeutic use through the medical device KARNAKMED® applies the basis of resonance therapy and interacts on a biophysical level due to the vibrational nature of cellular DNA and RNA. The interaction between the frequencies generated by the device and those already emitted by the human body allows the creation of new chemistry within the body. The therapy acts with minimal stimulus that can work with the full acceptance of the organism and in total respect for the uniqueness of each being.